I have been a smoker for about six years now. All the facts of how harmful it is to the health aside. How harmful is it to the spirit? I know priests that will occassionaly light up and think nothing of it, other then the health issues. On the other hand I have heard some monks say that every time someone lights a cig, it is like lighting a candle for the devil, which seems a bit extreme. How does everyone else feel?
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Charles Compston
I\'m unworthy to adivse you, but here is my story:
As a smoker for 32 years i\'ve quit 3 times now, the latest just last month. It is a very hard addiction to get over; i was addicted to both cocaine, and heroin, in my youth before becoming Christian, and i can say unequivocally that smoking is the worst out of the 3. The other 2 are done in a week or so; smoking can creep up on you even after a year.
My wife and i lately used aids this time to help us quit. Primarily we were so bad when we\'ve tried before our kids asked us to start smoking again-that is the control it can have over us. God willing we stop this time for good.
I\'m in agreement with those who say stop. We are called to be free in Christ, and not bound to any earthly substance. It is a struggle, but that is what we are called to do in the end, and God will bless you for it. As well, you will be an example to others of a virtuous life.
Live truly free!
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Marie Moffitt
Approximately five thousand people die of asthma in the US every year. Exposure to cigarette smoke is a common trigger for asthma attacks. You could already have killed someone.
The last time I landed in the ER due to asthma, the bill was $1300. Insurance only paid part of it.
If you don\'t care about your own lungs, at least think about others.
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artintel wrote:
I then asked him to look at the side of the cigarette package, he'll see there a Y or K. This meant that part of the cost of the packet went to the Zionist cause. That was the remedy in this case. He threw out all of his cigarettes, brushed his teeth, and coughed out ...
I don\'t know if you were telling that as something that actually happened or just a story but it made me laugh a bit.
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MariaM wrote:
Approximately five thousand people die of asthma in the US every year. Exposure to cigarette smoke is a common trigger for asthma attacks. You could already have killed someone.
The last time I landed in the ER due to asthma, the bill was $1300. Insurance only paid part of it.
If you don't care about your own lungs, at least think about others.
I am aware of the problems 2nd hand smoke causes people, and that is why I do not smoke around nonsmokers. I think that is another reason I enjoy it so much, it gives me a reason to get away from everyone else and clear my head.
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artintel wrote:
In this case it's a tragicomedy but it really happened.
I think the reason it made Outsider laugh a little bit is because it\'s patently ridiculous. It made me laugh a bit too.
A symbol that looks like a \\"Y\\" or \\"K\\" on some food products (and maybe cigarettes) would be a Kosher certification. Basically, they\'re just certifying that the item is acceptable under Jewish dietary laws. Not terribly unlike we see some stuff on the grocery store shelves now marketed as \\"Certified Organic\\", or \\"Certified Vegan\\". There\'s no \\"Zionist cause\\" involved in this.
The \\"Protocols of Zion\\" has been proven to be a hoax for a long time now. Relax.
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Smoking is addictive. And unhealthy. I have been smoking for 17 years and did not consider it to be \\"bad\\" per se until recently. I have quit for the most part while I was in the military, but started back up when I got out. That was 8 years ago. A couple of years ago I have tried to quit but....I don\'t think I was doing it for ME ( someone requested I should quit but offered no support ). I am on my third attempt and I have support, plus I am praying about it. God willing, by this summer I will be done with smoking.
You need to figure out if you are addicted to the nicotine, to the act of smoking itself, or both. I am addicted to the substance itself, the \\"act\\" I know I can do without. One thing I am trying is to gradually reduce the intake of nicotine. I have ordered one of those E-Cigarettes ( basically an inhaler of nicotine vapor ) which is supposed to arrive this Wednesday in the UPS. From what I have read up, they do the trick quite well.
I would not be quick to judge anyone who smokes or try to change them. Change must come from within. Cases of \\"instant cold turkey\\" are rare, almost everyone else has taken a few shots at quitting. You just need to put your mind to it and of course ask God for strenght to overcome the addiction.
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I am also addicted to both, even after I quit the first time and all the nicotine was out of my system, it felt weird not having anything to do with my hands when just sitting and talking on the phone or being with my friends who smoke. Sure enough i fell back into it.
If you don\'t mind me asking. How much do one of those e-cigarettes cost?
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artintel wrote:
cyprian: you seem to present one side of the story in an axiomatic manner - i.e., believe me or not. This trend of thought will next negate conspiracy theories. A well known pattern that doesn't prove anything, designed to simply downplay opposing views.
Second, whatever the argument the focus of the story was on how smokers can turn around 180 degrees depending on what is dear or abnotious to the smoker.
I\'ve taken this to another thread called \\"Conspiracy Theories\\" because it has very little to do with smoking.
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Stevan wrote:
I am aware of the problems 2nd hand smoke causes people, and that is why I do not smoke around nonsmokers. I think that is another reason I enjoy it so much, it gives me a reason to get away from everyone else and clear my head.
I don\'t know what happen to my response in the last thread but I hope that this one works better. Does anyone know how to delete past reponses?
Anyhow here is my reply again.... haha
There are many more physically healthier and spiritually healthier ways to get away and clear your head, look at the Holy Father\'s who ran away to the desert! If you aren\'t the kind of person that can become a monk and live alone in the desert (most of us can\'t) then there are plenty of other things.....for example I take martial arts, paint, do photography, take walks, run....etc.
I guess the question really is, what benefit does it give you? Does it really make your life better? Or does it just keep you addicted, like a slave? Wouldn\'t you rather be a free man? Although it may be hard to quit, it is worth it all the way around.
God bless!
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John Chan
*off topic, but since you asked*
karatebon wrote:
I don't know what happen to my response in the last thread but I hope that this one works better. Does anyone know how to delete past reponses?
ask a moderator to delete something. I have a delete button. I don\'t have an \\"edit\\" button, though.
carry on with the discussion, sorry to interrupt.
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Stevan wrote:
If you don't mind me asking. How much do one of those e-cigarettes cost?
The basic kit with 2 e-Cigarettes, charger, and 4 nicotine cartridges ran $80 shipped from AZ.
Website link
There are other companies out there selling different ones but basically the same product, these guys were the most affordable ones.
Will post reports once I get to try it out.
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karatebon wrote:
There are many more physically healthier and spiritually healthier ways to get away and clear your head, look at the Holy Father's who ran away to the desert! If you aren't the kind of person that can become a monk and live alone in the desert (most of us can't) then there are plenty of other things.....for example I take martial arts, paint, do photography, take walks, run....etc.
God bless!
I do lots of other things. I play sports, I run two to five miles a day, I play piano, and I\'m working on my book right now. The problem is minus the sports, I smoke while doing everything. I\'m not in that big of a rush to quit even though I should. But when I originally made the thread it was asking how bad is it for the person spiritually.
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It\'s funny, I quite quickly and easily when I became really convinced urgently, that it was killing me. So I guess it depends thw level of motivation.
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Stevan wrote:
But when I originally made the thread it was asking how bad is it for the person spiritually.
Spiritually IMHO it is just as bad as any addiction: to watching sports, to a certain sort of food, to drugs, etc.
As a side note, the e-cigarette seems to work for replacing the nicotine intake so far, even though I\'ve had a few \\"normal\\" cigarettes in between. One week now and I went down from 22-25 cigs a day to having smoked 7 for the duration.....God willing I will break the addiction to nicotine by EOY or sooner.
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fiulcelrisipitor wrote:
Stevan wrote:
But when I originally made the thread it was asking how bad is it for the person spiritually.
Spiritually IMHO it is just as bad as any addiction: to watching sports, to a certain sort of food, to drugs, etc.
As a side note, the e-cigarette seems to work for replacing the nicotine intake so far, even though I've had a few \"normal\" cigarettes in between. One week now and I went down from 22-25 cigs a day to having smoked 7 for the duration.....God willing I will break the addiction to nicotine by EOY or sooner.
very glad to hear. i switched to ultra lights which have less nicotine, and im down to about half a pack a day now. hopefully next week i will throw away this trash for good. also in ohio they have bumped up the price of smokes three times in the last month. it went from under $5 a pack to almost $7.
please keep me in your prayers and i will let you all know how it goes
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