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Stevan wrote:
I am aware of the problems 2nd hand smoke causes people, and that is why I do not smoke around nonsmokers. I think that is another reason I enjoy it so much, it gives me a reason to get away from everyone else and clear my head.
I don\'t know what happen to my response in the last thread but I hope that this one works better. Does anyone know how to delete past reponses?
Anyhow here is my reply again.... haha
There are many more physically healthier and spiritually healthier ways to get away and clear your head, look at the Holy Father\'s who ran away to the desert! If you aren\'t the kind of person that can become a monk and live alone in the desert (most of us can\'t) then there are plenty of other things.....for example I take martial arts, paint, do photography, take walks, run....etc.
I guess the question really is, what benefit does it give you? Does it really make your life better? Or does it just keep you addicted, like a slave? Wouldn\'t you rather be a free man? Although it may be hard to quit, it is worth it all the way around.
God bless!
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