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fiulcelrisipitor wrote:
Stevan wrote:
But when I originally made the thread it was asking how bad is it for the person spiritually.
Spiritually IMHO it is just as bad as any addiction: to watching sports, to a certain sort of food, to drugs, etc.
As a side note, the e-cigarette seems to work for replacing the nicotine intake so far, even though I've had a few \"normal\" cigarettes in between. One week now and I went down from 22-25 cigs a day to having smoked 7 for the duration.....God willing I will break the addiction to nicotine by EOY or sooner.
very glad to hear. i switched to ultra lights which have less nicotine, and im down to about half a pack a day now. hopefully next week i will throw away this trash for good. also in ohio they have bumped up the price of smokes three times in the last month. it went from under $5 a pack to almost $7.
please keep me in your prayers and i will let you all know how it goes
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