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Smoking is addictive. And unhealthy. I have been smoking for 17 years and did not consider it to be \\"bad\\" per se until recently. I have quit for the most part while I was in the military, but started back up when I got out. That was 8 years ago. A couple of years ago I have tried to quit but....I don\'t think I was doing it for ME ( someone requested I should quit but offered no support ). I am on my third attempt and I have support, plus I am praying about it. God willing, by this summer I will be done with smoking.
You need to figure out if you are addicted to the nicotine, to the act of smoking itself, or both. I am addicted to the substance itself, the \\"act\\" I know I can do without. One thing I am trying is to gradually reduce the intake of nicotine. I have ordered one of those E-Cigarettes ( basically an inhaler of nicotine vapor ) which is supposed to arrive this Wednesday in the UPS. From what I have read up, they do the trick quite well.
I would not be quick to judge anyone who smokes or try to change them. Change must come from within. Cases of \\"instant cold turkey\\" are rare, almost everyone else has taken a few shots at quitting. You just need to put your mind to it and of course ask God for strenght to overcome the addiction.
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