TamaraHN wrote:
According to St. John Chrysostom, fasting is a medicine and medicine must be administered by a doctor (priest).
We are not like Roman Catholics where one size must fit all in regard to our practices. I get a little disturbed when I see folks taking a maximalist approach to fasting as they try to strong-arm others with words from elders....many of these elders were writing to monastic audiences. The reason I am disturbed is because we have many folks that are new to Orthodoxy. They come into the church full of enthusiasm and a desire to meet the highest levels of ascetic labors. But enthusiasm and desire can only carry the uniniated so far and thus, many converts become overwhelmed by the struggle which is far beyond their physical and spiritual ability. They then give up and leave Orthodoxy. As a cradle Orthodox Christian of Syrian descent I really think it is irresponsible for laymen to exhort everyone to fast at the highest level without regard to an indiviuduals situation. For this reason, I honestly believe laymen should keep their fasting beliefs to themselves and let the doctors (priests) administer the medicine individually to their patients. I am sure no one would want the to have a weaker brother's fall from grace due to what one has written or copied from the lives of the Fathers. We laymen are not priests or elders so we have no business telling our weaker brothers in the faith how to fast.
Just wanted to shine some light before I refer to the Holy Fathers later on tomorrow, once again and NOTHING I WILL SAY IN THE FOLLOWING POSTS EXCEPT FOR THIS POST IS FROM MYSELF AS I HAVEN\'T DONE SO IN POSTS BEFORE, I HAVE ONLY POSTED WHAT HOLY FATHERS AND SAINTS HAVE SAID!!! You said we are not like the roman catholics where one size fits all, from what I gather you are saying... we are instead like the protestants where tens of thousands of sizes fit all!!!! Forgive my harshness, but Truth from the Fathers of Holy Orthodoxy is Truth. Saint Nikodemos says that all the faithful, monastics and laity are commanded to obey the commandments... not just monastics, or only clergy. Once again, I hate to single people out, but to those out there who find this teaching hard, stop leading others who are sensitive astray. The Holy Orthodox Church is clear on this issue. Forgive me for saying what I had to say.
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