Andrew Leer
Here's an interesting take on SIN:
The above podcast has a high-level member of the Othrodox Church ACTUALLY admit that people with issues could have a HARDWARE problem (the hardware being their brains) and it's not some problem with demon possession or a person being just plain evil or anything like that. (and props to him for doing this, it's about time somebody admitted the truth!)
(I'd really like the people who oppose the forth-coming National Health-care bill to take a good listen to they seem to be missing several points contained in this podcast.)
Behavioral problems are always treated as technical issues (HARDWARE issues) in machines/technology, but people aren't often given the same respect as machines when their HARDWARE starts failing. And if you ask me this is wrong!
Now I'm not denying the existence of God with this, I'm just saying that we humans are aren't treated with the same respect that our own machines get, and that's what is wrong with charging people for health-care!
The west is so messed up.
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