Andrew Leer
I've been on an anti-depressant (an SSRI inhibitor) for a little over two years now and I've lost my job due to a lack of creativity/motivation I think, either that or the economy. But I really don't like how the stuff if making me feel; a lot of time has passed, and I don't notice it going, I also don't seem to care about much; I'm a little bit like that guy in the movie Office Space after he was hypnotized by that doctor.
So what is the Church's take on anti-depressants? I used to avoid confession because I was too obsessive compulsive about my sins, but now I just don't go because I just don't care. I blame the anti-depressant now, before I was on the anti-depressant I would blame God (however there were other issues involved here for instance that the reason I went on the anti-depressant in the first place was that my eyes just failed on me and I spent a year on the couch because it was too hard to see, it was almost like I was blind or something...eventually I did eye exercises and got my vision back, and also discovered that it had something to do with my grinding my teeth at night).
I haven't really been religious at all since I started taking this anti-depressant stuff. Before I started taking it I used to get voices in my head which I previously perceived to be God or Satan talking to me (funny thing is the voice was the same for both of them) but anyhow the voices have stopped with the anti-depressant and now my religious type stuff isn't even a concern anymore as it appears to me that the voices in my head were just my overly active brain doing what it used to do...
So what is the Church's take on being prescribed to zone out like this?
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