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Christos Jonathan Hayward
I do not know that much about the boundaries of oikonomia; I have studied a great deal about spin doctoring, and can show you a thesis I wrote about spin doctoring in relation to scholarly work. Is Zaphiris\'s work, and his position on contraception, beyond all permissible oikonomia? I would be wary of claiming to establish that. Was his work spin doctoring, the kind that usually masks treachery and lies? That I can speak to: yes.
I wrote at the end of my paper, \\"There could conceivably be good reasons to change the ancient tradition of the Orthodox Church from time immemorial to almost the present day. Maybe. But this is not it. (And if these are the best reasons Zaphiris found to change the immemorial tradition of the Church, perhaps it would be better not to do so.)\\"
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