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In the book Dorotheos of Gaza (this is a total paraphrase. i don\'t have the book with me)... there is a young monk who was easily distracted, talked a lot, couldn\'t fast very well, etc., etc., and he was put under the direction of Dorotheos. He was in the monastery for only a short time before he became seriously ill and died. A visiting elder came to the monastery and prayed God to show him the rich history of the monastery in the form of the departed spiritual leaders of the monastery. God granted him a vision, and in this vision were many venerable, old monks, with long hair and beards. At the end of the vision, however, he saw a young monk, with a short beard and short hair. The visiting elder was perplexed by this and went to the elders of the monastery asking who this young monk was. The elders recognized the young monk of the vision as the young monk who had been under the direction of Dorotheos. The elders also were perplexed as to why the young monk was counted among the spiritual leaders of the monastery\'s history. They then call in Dorotheos and asked him what the virtues of the young monk were. Dorotheos said that it was true that the young monk was easily distracted, like to talk, was not a good faster, etc., etc. He continued on, however, by saying that although the young monk, perhaps did not appear to be the ideal of a monastic, he never once in his time at the monastery held a grudge, or remembered a wrong done against him. That was the reason that he was counted by God among the great fathers of the monastery.
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