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Thread: Convert-itis
Paul Barrera
MariaM wrote:
I think perhaps the biggest area of cross-cultural misunderstanding, particularly among younger converts, is spiritual boundaries. They tend to expect \"seasoned\" (i.e. cradle and long-term convert) Orthodox to talk about things that should properly be discussed only with their spiritual fathers or their spouses. This includes questions about yours prayer life, why you do or don't receive Communion on a particular day, how often you go to Confession, how you keep the fasts, and the infamous \"Do you and you spouse abstain from sex during Lent?\"
I realize this sort of overly personal question is asked out of childlike curiosity, but doesn't make you any friends! Please be sensitive to personal boundaries.
If you can avoid the boundaries pitfall, you are well on your way to fitting in.
Yes! :cool:
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