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Thread: Convert-itis
Kseniya Mierzejewska
I think we need to get over the distinction.
My priest once told me that you\'re only a convert until you are officially an Orthodox Christian, and then you are an Orthodox Christian. We are all born pagans, and we need to get over this thing of calling people converts for the rest of their lives. He cited the example of an elderly gentleman he once met who told him he was a convert. When Father asked when he was received into the Church, the man said, \"Almost 50 years ago.\" About which, Father exclaimed, \"Good God, how long can it be before he stops being convert and starts being Orthodox Christian?\" (you have to recite that phrase with a Russian accent)
It\'s a good question.
I once met a couple (at a funeral dinner) who didn\'t twig to the fact that I was not a cradle Orthodox, and conversing with me they held forth about how converts can\'t be trusted. I\'ve met any number of people who regard me differently after they find out that I\'m not cradle Orthodox. The only thing that changed, between their previous belief and the moment of revelation that I\'m a \"convert\" is their attitude. It had nothing to do with me.
I\'m not a convert anymore. I am, and hopefully by the grace of God always will be, simply an Orthodox Christian.
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