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Thread: Convert-itis
I really like this thread. I reread my earlier post and am now impressed with how curt I seem in my response. the struggle with family and friends for me was acute when I converted. It was a hard time for my family especially. Here I was in heaven and they did not understand. They still do not, nearly six years later. I have experienced humility in my faith, I understand that this path is difficult. I am not here to change the church, but have the church change me in my continnuing struggles. Now let me get real here, the struggle is one that I enjoy, I live and experience daily. I am ashamed that I have made so little progress in my theosis. I try to be more Christ like, God has granted my undivided love and I participate with him in my exercise of free will. My free will often leads me to the sinful side, but His love always brings me back. The hospital is made of many wards, I am just out of intensive care, at least I think so this week. The thrill of being a convert is still there, but it is more mature, but in many ways more demanding. Am I up to its demands, by God\'s love I hope my free will gives way in the correct way. I have said enough.
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