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Thread: Are you ready?
John Chan
I know that I can\'t keep hiding behind the excuse that \"I\'m new to all of this\" - Here we are at the Sunday of the Prodigal Son again - and I\'m thinking \"I\'m not ready!\"
Today, I was not the Prodigal Son, as I was last year. Last year, I was grovelling in repentance for my arrogance, my haughtiness and my general fool-hardy attitude about the status of my soul.
This year, I was the older brother - which I think is worse. I needed to be reminded that those who foolishly squander mercy and then ask for more of it will not be denied - it\'s God\'s Mercy and He can\'t possibly give it all away so that there\'s none left for me.
Unless I sit and sulk and refuse to accept it.
Forgivness Sunday is coming. Are you ready?
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