What is everyone\'s favorite fasting meal? Or just favorite fasting food. Maybe you have more than one, I would like to hear it. Maybe you have just discovered a new one or maybe it is a long time favorite, or maybe you have seasonal ones since the meals tend to change thusly.
I will start...on fish nights, my husband BBQ\'s fish fajita\'s that are both new and totally delicious!
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Joanna  Joanna
Vegetarian tacos are a favorite in our house. We use Morning Star Farms crumblers and then toppings. Must admit, we don\'t omit the dairy so we use cheese toppings.
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Tanya Keenan
Lent 2007 was my very first Lent. What an experience!
I discovered that:
*I could live on hummus. Hummus and crackers, hummus and pita, hummus and carrots.... You name it.
*Eating fish every day for 40 days is actually just fine. Just break it up with a little tofu. It helps to love asian food (which involves very little dairy).
*It\'s okay to give up coffee but try not to give up caffeine entirely (in fact, my priest insisted upon this). Unless you like falling asleep at work and drooling on the keyboard. :)
*The milk chocolate isn\'t really calling you. It\'s really just in your head. Honest. The dark chocolate can call and you can answer, because it\'s lenten.
*Donuts are lenten. Yeah!!!!
I think that indirectly answers your question, but to recap and answer directly:
Faves are fish (salmon in yellow curry with vegies and rice/couscous), hummus ( anything), dark chocolate (in any incarnation, but especially dark chocolate covered stuff like ginger or blueberries or almonds).
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Tanya Keenan
Stupid me - I forgot to mention sushi!!!
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Brent Schlichting
I love this soup my mom makes. I think it\'s called Russian Potato soup but it could be a different name.
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My serbian friends make a dish (don\'t ask me the name) out of wheat kernels cooked and food-processed and mixed with almonds and raisins and some spices sometimes. Terrific warm or cold!
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