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Thread: The Dark Knight
Natanael  Perez
I was impressed with the movie. I think some of the best dialog was when Two Face and the Joker were in the hospital. (Not the mention the funny outfit The Joker had on.) Where Heath is describing his character to Two Face. Such things as \\"I\'m a dog chasing a car, if I caught one I wouldn\'t know what to do with it.\\" With all of his descriptions on the havoc he is making, he really is just a nihilist. There is something thought provoking that a man who cares only about destruction and the only way to get rid of him is to destroy him, yet when that is done you become The Nihilist. I think the movies shows the state of our world today. That we live in every one has their own truth and sin is a spectrum. When a n evil man steps on the scene, the value scale of evil changes and people realize their choices makes them into one of two people.
What i mostly enjoyed about the movie was that it kept to the The Dark Knight graphic novel vs the cartoon series or comic books. In the comic books The joker has a love interested that died and he went insane. Here the movie keeps with the graphic novel , way more philosophical.
As you can see I\'m a bit of a nerd.
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