Marie Moffitt
.Post in [message removed]
Since I know people who already belong to an English-language parish in your area, I\'m curious as to your jurisdiction? It would be nice to know that there are so many Orthodox in the area that another parish is needed.
Paul Barrera
.Post in [message removed]
Phoenix gives me good memories. :) Glad to have you! Phoenix is where I received my first prayer book years ago....It is nicely worn and tattered these days. Glory to God!
I usually say it is a communion of 14 Churches, 5 of which was founded by the first Apostles themselves. Then I can go into the doctrines, Theosis and why the RCC is the only one of the first 6 Patriarchate that is not in communion with the rest.
Nick Calibey said...I always stress theosis since most people get blow away when they learn about it for the first time, myself included Theosis is awesome in the truest and fullest sense of the word.  God hid His majesty within His own creation, becoming a man that we might become like Him, reuniting Creator and created in perfection.  At the beginning of each Proskomedia, we say the Apoytikion of the Forefeast of the Nativity:"Rejoice, O Bethlehem; for Eden hath been opened for all. Prepare, O Ephratha; for the Tree of life hath blossomed forth in the cave from the Virgin; for her womb did appear as a spiritual paradise in which is planted the divine Plant, whereof eating we shall live and not die as Adam. Christ shall be born, raising the image that fell of old. "This is Redemption.  This is Salvation.  This is Truth.
Thomas B
.Post in What is the Orthodox Church?
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