on January 9, 2013 378 views
Ode 9-Megalynarion of Theophany. -Magnify, 0 my soul, the all-pure Virgin Theotokos, who is more honorable than the armies on high. Every tongue is at a loss to praise thee as is due; even a spirit from the world above is filled with dizziness, when it seeketh to sing thy praises, 0 Theotokos. But since thou art good, accept our faith; Thou knowest well our love inspired by God, for thou art the Protector of Christians and we magnify thee. -Magnify, 0 my soul, Him Who came and was baptized in the streams of the Jordan. 0 David, come thou in spirit to the enlightened and chant, saying: "Approach God now with faith and be illumined! Lowly Adam cried out in his fall, and the Lord heard him, and, coming to the streams of the Jordan, He restored the corrupted one." -Today the Master bows His head before the Forerunner. 0 most pure Bride, 0 blessed Mother, the wonders of Thy birthgiving pass all understanding. Through thee we have obtained salvation in all things, and, as it is right and meet, we rejoice before thee our Benefactor, bearing as gift a song of thanksgiving. -Today John doth baptize the Master in the streams of the Jordan. That which was revealed to Moses in the bush we see here fulfilled in wondrous manner; for as it bore fire, yet was not consumed, so hath the Virgin been preserved, who gave birth unto the Benefactor Who bringeth us light, and the streams of the Jordan suffered no harm when they received Him.
Categories: Chant, Byzantine
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