on December 29, 2012 303 views
Odes 7-8-9 from the Supplication Canon to the Theotokos
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As You willed, 0 our Saviour,
to dispense our salvation through Your economy
inside the Virgin's womb;
thou showed to all the people
that she was our own guardian;
0 the God of our fathers,
Blessed art Thou, our God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The bestower of mercy
that you bore, 0 pure Mother, entreat on our behalf;
from sins deliver us,
and from the soul's defilement,
we who cry out most faithfully;
0 the God of our fathers,
Blessed art Thou, our God.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A fountain of pureness
and a tower of safety is she who carried Thee,
a treasure of salvation
and the door of repentance,
she has been shown to those that cry;
0 the God of our fathers,
Blessed art Thou, our God.

Both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The illnesses of body,
and the soul's ailing sickness, of those who run to you.
For divine protection,
as God's holy Mother,
make them worthy of remedy;
for the Saviour Christ
was born from you.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

Do not neglect those who seek the help you grant
they hymn you, 0 Virgin Maiden.
And they do exalt you
throughout the many ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

0 Virgin, you pour a wealth of healing
on those who faithfully hymn you.
And those who exalt your
Childbearing wonder.

We bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit the Lord we hymn.

The infirmities of my soul are healed by you,
and the pains of my body, 0 Virgin;
so that I may praise you,
0 Lady full of Grace.

Both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

You drive away the assaults of temptations,
and attacks of the passions, 0 Virgin,
therefore do we praise you
throughout the many ages.

We praise, we bless and we worship the Lord.

The King of heaven, Who is praised,
and is hymned by the host of the angels;
praise Him and exalt Him
throughout the many ages.

Saved through you, 0 pure Virgin,
hence we do confess you
to be most truly the birthgiver of our Lord.
With choirs of bodiless Angels,
you do we magnify.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

The streams of my many tears,
reject not, Holy Virgin;
for you gave birth to the One who dried all the tears,
from all the faces of people;
the Christ was born of you.

Most holy Theotokos, save us.

With gladness fill my heart,
most holy Virgin lady,
for you are she who received the abundant joy;
take the grief of my sinfulness,
and make it disappear.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

A shelter and protection
and a wall unshaken,
become, 0 Virgin, for those who flee to you,
a sheltered cover and refuge,
and a place of joy.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

0 Virgin, from the brightness
of your light illumine
the ones who call you most piously Mother of God,
take all the gloom of our ignorance
and banish it away.

Both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Oppressed I am, 0 Virgin;
in a place of sickness, I have been humbled;
I ask you; bring remedy,
transform my illness, my sickness,
into a wholesomeness.

It is truly meet to bless thee, 0 Theotokos;
ever blessed, and most pure, and the Mother of our God.
More honourable than the cherubim,
and beyond compare more glorious than the seraphim.
Without corruption thou gavest birth to God the Word.
True Theotokos, we magnify thee.

Higher than the heavens above are you,
and you are much purer
than the radiance of the sun;
you who have redeemed us
from the curse which is upon us;
the Lady of all people,
in hymns, do we honour you.

From the great multitude of my sins,
ill am I in body, ill am I also in my soul;
I am fleeing to you,
the one who is all-blessed,
the hope of all the hopeless,
please come bring help to me.

Lady and the Mother of Him who saves,
receive the supplications
of the lowly who pray to you;
mediate between us
and the One you brought forth;
0 Lady of all people, intercede for us.

Now with zeal we chant this Ode to you;
you, the all praised Lady,
Theotokos, we hymn with joy;
with the saints most holy,
together with the Baptist,
beseech, 0 Theotokos,
for God's mercy on us

Speechless be the lips of impious ones,
those who do not reverence
your icon, the sacred one;
which is called Directress,
and was written for us
by one of the Apostles,
Luke the Evangelist.

With the hosts of Angels,
with the Lord's Forerunner,
and Apostles, the chosen twelve,
with the saints most holy,
and with you, the Theotokos,
we seek your intercession
for our salvation.
Categories: Chant
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