Thanks to a contributer for a translation-
rus: Dush� (soul) moy� (my) pregr�shnaya (most sinful), chto ne (why don't) pl�cheshsya (cry)?!
sense: My most sinful soul, why don't you cry?!
rus: Ti (you) plach (cry), dush� (soul), rid�i (weep) vsegd� (always).
sense: Cry, my soul, always weep.
rus: Tem (through this) ut�shishsya (you will be comforted).
sense: Through this consolation will come to you.
rus: Ne (not) usp�esh (will have time) ti (you) togd� (then) pl�kati (crying),
sense: You will not have time to cry,
rus: Kogd� (then) pree�det (will come) smert' (death).
sense: After death.
rus: A (and) po (by) sm�rty (death) greh� (seens) tvo�� (yours) oblich�t (exposed) teby� (you).
sense: After death your sins will exposed you.
rus: Skin (throw off) od�zhdu (clothes) ti (you) greh�vnuyu (sinful) v (in) pokay�niee (repentance)..
sense: Shed the sinful clothes in virtue of repentance.
rus: A (and) ne (not) sk��nesh (throw) ti (you) greh�� (sins) svoy� (yours),
sense: And if you don't throw your sins,
rus: Togd� (then) ��da (hell) ne (not) m��nesh (avoid).
sense: Then you won't avoid hell.
rus: Strad�licy (sufferers) venc� (crowns) n�syat (wear) na (on) glav�h (heads) svo�h (their).
sense: Sufferers wear victor's crowns on their heads.
rus: Oni (they) pesn (song) po��t (sing) arh�ngelskuyu (archangels):
sense: They sing the song of the archangels:
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
rus: Dush� (soul) moy� (my) pregr�shnaya (most sinful), chto ne (why don't) pl�cheshsya (cry)?!
sense: My most sinful soul, why don't you cry?!
rus: Ti (you) plach (cry), dush� (soul), rid�i (weep) vsegd� (always).
sense: Cry, my soul, always weep.
rus: Tem (through this) ut�shishsya (you will be comforted).
sense: Through this consolation will come to you.
rus: Ne (not) usp�esh (will have time) ti (you) togd� (then) pl�kati (crying),
sense: You will not have time to cry,
rus: Kogd� (then) pree�det (will come) smert' (death).
sense: After death.
rus: A (and) po (by) sm�rty (death) greh� (seens) tvo�� (yours) oblich�t (exposed) teby� (you).
sense: After death your sins will exposed you.
rus: Skin (throw off) od�zhdu (clothes) ti (you) greh�vnuyu (sinful) v (in) pokay�niee (repentance)..
sense: Shed the sinful clothes in virtue of repentance.
rus: A (and) ne (not) sk��nesh (throw) ti (you) greh�� (sins) svoy� (yours),
sense: And if you don't throw your sins,
rus: Togd� (then) ��da (hell) ne (not) m��nesh (avoid).
sense: Then you won't avoid hell.
rus: Strad�licy (sufferers) venc� (crowns) n�syat (wear) na (on) glav�h (heads) svo�h (their).
sense: Sufferers wear victor's crowns on their heads.
rus: Oni (they) pesn (song) po��t (sing) arh�ngelskuyu (archangels):
sense: They sing the song of the archangels:
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah