on January 9, 2013 328 views
September 8: Nativity of the Theotokos.

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"Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;
Both now and ever and unto ages of ages amen".
How should we not marvel at your Offspring, who is both God and man, all-honoured one? For without knowing man, 0 all-blameless, you gave birth in the flesh to a Son without father, begotten from the Father before the ages without mother, in no way undergoing change, or mixture or separation; but preserving intact the identity of either nature. Therefore, Sovereign Lady, Virgin-Mother, implore Him that the souls may be saved of those who with right belief acknowledge you as Theotokos

*The icon is of the Jerusalem Theotokos.
"The Virgin Mary looks a lot like the one on the icon of the Virgin Mary of Jerusalem. She is exactly the same. I have seen her many times and I don't know of any other icon resembling her so much".
Elder Paisios the Athonite (1924 -- 1994)
Categories: Chant, Byzantine
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