Saint Elisabeth Convent
on April 4, 2022 248 views
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✏ Once a year we hear these words during the church services for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, at the Vigil. At a tonsure ceremony this troparion is sung thrice as the person being tonsure crawls from the narthex of the church to the altar—from the sinful world from whence he came to this beloved embrace.
The “Fatherly Arms” - hands pierced with nails, fixed to the Cross, Blood streaming to the ground. Arms ready to embrace the whole world, and embracing the whole world. The Love, Who payed such a price for His beloved and in such a way opened His embrace to all, will never turn away from anyone, from us. It seems that it is so that we might be able to overcome fear, shame, and despair. So that we would resolve to believe that He is waiting for us, no matter what we’ve done.
That is what the father goes out for—so that it would be easier for His children, prodigal and sinful. After all, He knows how hard it is for them, and He can’t help but pity them…
✏ Haste Thou to open unto me Thy fatherly arms,
though I have wasted my life in prodigality.
Disdain not now mine impoverished heart, O Savior,
Who hast before Thine eyes the inexhaustible riches of Thy compassions.
For unto Thee, O Lord, do I cry out in compunction:
O Father, I have sinned against heaven and before Thee!
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