Clifford John Manning
on April 3, 2014 734 views
In an effort to better train church musicians, representatives from most major musical programs and seminaries in ROCOR and the OCA gathered together at the end of 2013 to form the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute (PaTRAM). The work of the newly formed institute was blessed by the Primates of the Orthodox Church in America and the Russian Church Abroad. Building on the work that has been done by music educators in the past, PaTRAM strives to provide continuity through its progressive training programs at every level of Church musical development in both English and Slavonic.

PaTRAM has also partnered with the Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese of ROCOR to produce a documentary about the work and goals of the institute. The 25-minute film, entitled "Uniting Musical Excellence with Orthodox Worship," gives an overview of the important role of music in the life of the Orthodox Church and explains how PaTRAM is embarking on an endeavor that could potentially revolutionize the way that the Orthodox conductors and singers receive their musical training in North America.

For more information or to register for classes, please visit the official website of the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute at
Categories: Chant, Russian
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