on February 15, 2013 532 views

You can see some of the myrrh appearing in droplets under the glass in the only photograph I took that night (please excuse the chandelier reflection!):


October 21, 2011

The Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming "Hawaiian" Iveron Icon of the Holy Theotokos

"From Thy Holy Icon, O Lady Theotokos, blessed myrrh has flowed abundantly. Thou has thereby consoled those in exile faithful unto Thee and hast enlightened the unbelievers by Thy Son's light. Therefore, O Lady, with tears we bow down to Thee: be merciful to us in the hour of judgement, lest having received Thy mercy, we be punished as those who have been contemptuous of it, but grant us through Thy prayers to bring forth spiritual fruit and save our souls."
Categories: Miracle Stories
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