on February 15, 2013 641 views
While all in America were watching the the Chicago riots at the Democratic Convention, or viewing live war zone broadcasts from Vietnam or were being mesmerized by the Watergate hearings on television, and the 6 day war just ended with Israel killing thousands of Egyptian youth and losing all of Sinai, the country was in a dissastrious depresssion. A year after the war the Mother of God was appearing for tens of thousands to see in the land of the pyramids at a Coptic Orthodox church constructed to commemorate the area in Egypt where she had come with Saint Joseph and Christ when they all fled from Herod. Starting in April, 1968, her apparitions of light changed the lives of thousands. Her appearances at Zeitun were astounding. She was seen by more than a million people. The apparitions were broadcast by Egyptian TV, photographed by hundreds of professional photographers and personally witnessed by Egyptian President Abdul Nasser. The apparitions lasted for three years with numerous unaccountable healings recorded by various medical professionals. The local police, who initially thought the apparitions were an elaborate hoax, searched a 15-mile radius surrounding the site to uncover any type of device that could be used to project such images. They were completely unsuccessful. This short film shows the amazing pictures taken by professional photographers during her Apparitions.
Categories: Miracle Stories
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