on February 15, 2013 212 views
Pilgrims welcom initiating of Holy Fire in Jerusalem


Orthodox Christian worshippers gathered in Jerusalem on Saturday to attend Easter Week`s Holy Fire ceremonies, saw candles lit from divine flame.

Many pilgrims from around the world gathered by the ancient site, the Mount of Olives, in anticipation of the ceremony on Saturday morning.

Around the Old City, close to one-thousand Israeli police officers were deployed to direct foot traffic and prevent stampedes, a police spokesman said.

Police said they were expecting tens of thousands of Orthodox Christian pilgrims to flock to the city.

During the service, the flame was passed from pilgrim to pilgrim who clutched their own candles.

The Holy Fire is considered a miracle occurring every year on Holy Saturday, the day preceding Easter Sunday.

Thousands of worshippers crowded into the ancient church, believed to be built on the site of Jesus` crucifixion, burial and resurrection.

Traditionally, an olive lamp lit by the "Holy Fire" is transferred soon after the ceremony to the West Bank town of Bethlehem, where Jesus is believed to be born.

The Easter holiday culminates on Easter Sunday when Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead, three days after being crucified.

Israeli forces deployed in and around the Old City as pilgrims made their way to the ceremony, which marks Jesus` resurrection.

Traditionally the Greek Orthodox patriarch enters the small tomb chamber of Jesus at the Holy Sepulchre Church, to receive the Holy Fire that descends on a lamp of olive oil he is holding. The patriarch lights a numbers of candles with the Holy Fire and then passes them on to worshippers.
Categories: Miracle Stories
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