Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Japheth's line begins to live in the coastlands; Ham's descendents include Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's descendents live in the East. These lines from the Sons of Noah form the nations. 

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Aspiring to become like God, they begin building a great tower for themselves. The Lord confuses their language. Shem's line continues and includes Abram who marries Sarai.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

God speaks to Abram and tells him "Go, I will make you a great nation. You will be a blessing." Abram goes to Egypt and lies about Sarai being his wife. Pharaoh is cursed. 

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Abram and his newphew Lot begin their journey but their servants argue along the way. So Lot decides to go to Sodom and Abram to Canaan. The Lord promises Abram the land.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

A war begins among the kings and Lot is taken captive. Abram returns to rescue Lot. The high-priest Melchizedek blesses Abram and Abram gives him a tenth of everything he owns. 

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

The Lord promises Abram he would have an heir and many descendants. Even though he was old, Abram believed. The Lord tells him that his descendents would be enslaved but would then be freed and return

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Abram's wife Sarai tells him to have children with Hagar their servant. Hagar conceives and gives birth to a son. Sarai treats her harshly and she runs away. The Lord hears Hagar's suffering and an an

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

God makes a covenant with Abram and renames him Abraham. He also renames Sarai as Sarah and promises them a son. All the men are circumcised as a covenant with God.  

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Three visitors come to Abraham and tell him that Sarah would conceive and give birth to a son the following year. According to the Orthodox teaching, this was a theophany of the Holy Trinity. The city

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024


Angels come to warn Lot that God will destroy Sodom and rescue him and his family from the sexually deviant mobs. Sodom is completely destroyed by fire. Lot's wife does not heed the angels warning

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