Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

While in the city of Gerar, Abraham tells King Abimelech that Sarah was his sister, fearing he would be killed. King Abimelech takes Sarah to himself but God warns him in a dream and He returns Sarah

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Sarah gives birth to a son and he is named Isaak which means "laugther" because Sarah secretly laughed when God told Abraham she would have a child in her old age. Hagar and Ishmael are sent away but

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham begins to obey, an angel stops him. The Lord provides a ram instead to be sacrificed and blesses Abraham for his faith and obedience. 

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

The death of Sarah in Kiriath-arba. Abraham asks the Hittites for a burial site. He purchases a cave from Ephron and lays Sarah to rest there.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Abraham's servant travels to Nahor to find a wife for Isaak. He meets Rebecca by the well who travels back with the servant and marries Isaak.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Abraham dies and is buried next to Sarah. Isaak and Rebecca conceive and she gives birth to twins and names them Esau and Jacob. Foolishly, Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a meal.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Isaak lies about Rebekah and his wealth was so great that Abimelech sends him away. He digs wells and the Lord blesses him at Beersheba.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Jacob and Rebekah deceive Isaak into giving Jacob his blessing. Esau is enraged and vows revenge. Rebekah warns Jacob to flee and go to her brother Laban.

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024


Isaak sends Jacob to marry one of Laban's daughters. While on the way Jacob has a dream of a ladder reaching to heaven. He is blessed by God. 

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Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Jacob spends seven years working for Laban in order to marry Rachel. Laban gives him Leah instead and makes him work seven more for Rachel. Leah gives birth to sons.

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