Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

God creates the heavens and the earth and everything that lives. He creates human beings in his image and likeness and places them as caretakers over the earth.

49 views 5 plays
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

God forms man from the ground and places him the garden in Eden. He commands him to fast from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God makes woman from Adam's side to be his helper. 

28 views 3 plays
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

The serpent deceives the woman and her and Adam eat from the forbidden tree. Then the ground is cursed and God expels Adam and Eve out of the garden. 

23 views 1 play
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Eve's sons Cain and Abel make offerings to the Lord but only Abel's was acceptable. Out of envy, Cain kills his brother Abel. Abel's blood cries out from the ground and God sends Cain away.

24 views 0 plays
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Adam and Eve have more children: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.

22 views 1 play
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

Noah and his family enter the ark with all the animals that God created. It rains for forty days and forty nights and the earth is covered with water. 

25 views 1 play
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

The flood waters recede. Noah sends out a raven and two doves and one dove returns with an olive branch as a sign of peace. God calls them all out of the ark. Noah builds an altar to God. 

24 views 1 play
Categories: The Old Testament
January 10, 2024

God blesses Noah and sets the rainbow as a sign of promise that he would never flood the earth again. Noah gets intoxicated with wine and curses Ham's son Canaan for dishonoring him. 

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