Group Info
Elizabeth D.
A circle for those interested in energy efficient alternative construction using natural resources. Examples include cob, straw bale, cordwood, timber, post and beam, etc... More

Wall Comment

Elizabeth D.
We had very severe weather last Wednesday with torrential rains (6 in in a half hour) and hurricane force winds (many broken branches and fallen trees). This is not an uncommon occurrence in our area, unfortunately. So it is a major design consideration for us. Fortunately, our built structures suffered minimal damage. But I really want to incorporate permaculture 'earth works' to manage water run-off and put it to good works, and build cottage structures that can handle very high wind... View More
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Veronica Vallotton
Sounds intense. You may already be familiar with Brad Lancaster's work, but he is THE go to for any rain catchment, run-off and design related to permaculture. He is in Tucson, and if you check him out his books are amazing. The principles are definitely applicable no matter where one lives, and wat... View More
May 18, 2013