Group Info
Elizabeth D.
OrthodoxSimpleLiving is for those interested in a simpler way of life less dependent on the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Gardening, food preservation, root cell... More
Elizabeth D.
I want to get beyond electrical appliances (hope to build a rocket stove/oven out of cob (native clay, sand and straw) later this summer, but until then, I am still dependent on a microwave. I learned a neat trick for popping popcorn in the microwave cheaply and without the carcinogens of commercial microwave popcorn:Put a thin layer of popcorn at the bottom of a glass bowl. Cover with a glass or ceramic plate. Pop for 2 1/2 minutes or popping.slows down. We are getting more consistently popped ... View More
Elizabeth D.
Making more ice cream with all the sheep's milk I have. I toasted nuts in butter but this time added a little sugar and cocoa powder. Yum! Chocolate crunchies that remain crunchy in the ice cream.
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Sabrina Messenger
Hmmm I didn't know there was sheeps milk. I'd heard of goat milk before. Wonder what it tastes like?
May 18, 2013
Elizabeth D.
It is sweeter than cow or goats milk. Otherwise it tastes more like cow's milk. I switched from dairy goat to dairy sheep last fall and I am very happy. The lambs gain weight infinitely faster and the meat tastes night and day better than store bought. There really is no comparison. And the milk is ... View More
May 18, 2013
Sabrina Messenger
<p>I'll have to see if sheep milk is available in my area and then give it a try. It probably is as there are lots of sheep farmers in my area of Oregon.</p>
May 18, 2013 Edited
Elizabeth D.
And in Greece feta cheese is traditionally made from sheep's milk. Sheep dairying is much more common in the middle and near east and in Europe. It is growing in the US but still a very small niche market. But because of dairy sheep's many advantages, it should be considered more by small homesteade... View More
May 18, 2013
Elizabeth D.
Yeah, there are definitely dairies in your area. I think Black Sheep Creamery is one. You live in an ideal climate. Try the ice cream! We can get sheep milk locally at Whole Foods as well as some cheeses. But no milk. Had to taste it for the first time after I got my sheep.
May 18, 2013
Elizabeth D.
Yeah, there are definitely dairies in your area. I think Black Sheep Creamery is one. You live in an ideal climate. Try the ice cream! We can get sheep milk yogurt locally at Whole Foods as well as some cheeses. But no milk. Had to taste it for the first time after I got my sheep.
May 18, 2013
Elizabeth D.
Yeah, there are definitely dairies in your area. I think Black Sheep Creamery is one. You live in an ideal climate. Try the ice cream! We can get sheep milk yogurt locally at Whole Foods as well as some cheeses. But no milk. Had to taste it for the first time after I got my sheep.
May 18, 2013
Sabrina Messenger
<p>Black Sheep Creamery...what a "baaaaad" name! LOL.  I'll look 'em up and see what I can find. Thanks for all the info.</p>
May 18, 2013
Elizabeth D.
Eastern Friesian dairy sheep often are black in color. More than half of my flock are and the black colored ones are suppose to be hardier, a trait I really need here in the south. Plus there wool will make beautiful prayer ropes. So actually, if I have a choice, they are my preference.
May 18, 2013
Home made butter nut ice cream: 3 pints of fresh milk (I am using raw sheep milk) or 3 cups milk and 3 cups cream 2 cups sugar 1 TBS vanilla Mix well and put in ice cream maker Gently toast 1/8 cup finely chopped nuts in 2 TBS butter. Add to ice cream mixture when close to finished. Yum!
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I have a lot of interests right now as I am trying to learn a sustainable, world-independent lifestyle for our family. Rather than overload people with links and information outside of their interest, I have decided to start a number of circles. Many technically overlap. But I plan to narrow the focus for each one so that those interested in organic gardening don&#039;t have to wade through a lot of posts on livestock, those interested in permaculture, don&#039;t have to wade through components ... View More
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Besides a seed saving system, I would love to set up a sustainable, low maintainance culturing system for sourdough, buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, cheese making and fermenting. But those are a lot of different cultures and it would be difficult to maintain them all and prevent cross contamination. Anyone maintain a wide range of different cultures? <br /><br />My favorite source for cultures is:<br /><br />
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Marcos E Mtz Abularach
I made kefir long time ago... got bored from them after a while. We normally make yogurt. Would like to grow mushrooms
May 10, 2013
Elizabeth D.
Our matushka is growing wine cap mushrooms in the wood mulch of her garden. I want to do that too, since I am using wood mulch as well. I tried kefir some years ago, and it was very hard to keep up with. The fact that it doesn't store well and had to be used every day was a major limiting factor, es... View More
May 10, 2013
Nikolia Hasiakos
Just got my sourdough cultures from there! Can't wait to get them started.
May 16, 2013
OrthodoxSimpleLiving<br /><br />For low tech off grid baking.
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I wonder if I should combine the OrthodoxHomesteading Circle with this one, shutting that one down? Really, the two are tied together. People can live simply and practice home food production whether in the city or country. And honestly, home food production and not being depended on big corporations is a big part of living more simply.
I accidentally deleted two members of the OrthodoxHomesteading circle while fumbling with my iphone. If you had been a member but are not now, please resubscribe. I am very sorry for my mess-up.
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I would like to build some of these for our solar systems for outdoor homestead use.<br /><br />
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