Group Info
Elizabeth D.

Orthodox Permaculture is for those interested in learning about and implementing permaculture principles in gardening, home food production and sustainable living, yet wa

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Orthodox Permaculture
Orthodox Permaculture
I am dramatically reducing my Internet activity and will be removing myself from all social media sites. Anyone want to take over moderating this circle? Otherwise it may disappear with me. Thank you.
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Elizabeth D.
We just received a shipment of live crayfish from Louisiana this morning. They are going into a large tank full of bricks with holes that will serve as homes for them. We plan to run well water through the tank and into the garden for irrigation. This will keep their water clean and aerated and will provide organic fertilizer to the garden. And during the fasts, we will have clean crayfish (commercially raised crayfish is not clean). We are doing the same type of thing with bullhead catfish too.
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Orthodox Permaculture
Orthodox Permaculture
I have a lot of interests right now as I am trying to learn a sustainable, world-independent lifestyle for our family. Rather than overload people with links and information outside of their interest, I have decided to start a number of circles. Many technically overlap. But I plan to narrow the focus for each one so that those interested in organic gardening don't have to wade through a lot of posts on livestock, those interested in permaculture, don't have to wade through components ... View More
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Orthodox Permaculture
Orthodox Permaculture
Orthodox Permaculture inspiring video by Geoff Lawton on forest gardening, using livestock to improve soil fertility, aquaponics, raised bed gardening, vertical gardening and a lot more. And like with most of his videos, his little girl is often with him. A real family man.
Orthodox Permaculture
Orthodox Permaculture
One thing that disturbed me about permaculture, particularly Bill Mollison&#039;s work, is that it was anti-human life, pro-population control and had definite anti-christian tones. What I really like about Geoff Lawton is that he does not come across carrying these attitudes at all. In fact, at the end of this video: <br /><br /> <br /><br />He was very pro-human life. This makes me feel very good about taking his course. This needs to be the foundatio... View More
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Orthodox Permaculture
Fr. Alexios, Abbot, Xenophontos Monastery, The Holy Mountain<br /><br />"Nature is here to serve man: man must serve and care for nature in order for it to serve man. The fall of man led to the fall of nature and the renewal of man to the renewal of nature."
Elizabeth D. have a strong interest in the idea of building sustainable communities in the event of a disaster or crisis situation.
Elizabeth D.
I have started taking the online permaculture course. Though there are definitely ideas we as Orthodox could not agree with, the concepts of designing sustainable, low maintenance, and highly productive systems to meet our physical needs is excellent. I will share some of what I learn as I go through.
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Elizabeth D. really want to take this course.
Orthodox Permaculture
Aquaponics is a very efficient way to raise fish and vegetables organically. And once established, it requires far less work than a conventional garden. We are very pleased with our first two systems and hope to build a much larger greenhouse that can house many more systems. This is a very nice PDF download showing various aquaponic configurations using inexpensive IBC totes and 55 gallon plastic drums (both of which we also used in our systems). <br /><br /> View More
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Fr. Ninos Oshaana
I recently learned about this amazing relationship between fish and plants. Thanks for this information.
May 9, 2013
Elizabeth D.
When you have an iPhone app, it will be much easier for me to upload pictures. But until then, here is a blog post with progression pictures of our first two systems:<br /><br />
May 9, 2013
Orthodox Permaculture
Directions for building a drip irrigation system out of PVC.<br /><br />
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Elizabeth D.
Today I pick up a load of wood mulch from the city dump that I will turn into biochar. We have a home built biochar burner that works great. Can even add bones to return additional minerals back to the garden soil. Here are some benefits of biochar:
Elizabeth D.
Elizabeth D.
I am deeply concerned about the increasingly highly restrictive agricultural laws being implemented in this country and around the world. The EU being the most frightening example:<br /><br />There is a Byzantine prophecy that warns at the time of antichrist, every grain of wheat will be under his control. That may actually mean every planted crop, if you concider the current direction of the EU. <br /><br />I have started building a forest garden using d... View More
Orthodox Permaculture
We have built an aquaponics system already which is a symbiotic way to raise edible fish/crustaceans and vegetables. And we are presently implementing the same idea of using fish and crayfish to fertilize the conventional garden and orchard through a drip irrigation system. The website below is a good example of the idea already being successfully used in Africa.<br /><br />
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