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Cristin Slobozeanu
Hi, Katharina! Blessings from Romania!

May the Theotokos strenghten you on your journey! You should know that what you are experiencing in your family is not uncommon. Even in Orthodox countries like Romania there are couples that, although baptized, do not live an Evangelical lives. If the husband or the wife returns to the Church and attends the Liturgy, finds a spiritual father and tries follow the path of the Holy Fathers, their spouse might try to discourage them.

But, I am happy to confess that the husband of one of our friends has recently started to attent the Liturgy with her. She has been praying a lot for him to find Christ.

My advice to you is to continue to attend the Liturgy every Sunday and look for the guidance of the parish priest.

Follow the Brückmann family. One of their daughters, Ekatharina, often sings with Father Vlad Roșu. Here is a clip they recorded in Munich.

Also read about the life and trials of Saint Martyr Alexander Schmorell, or Saint Alexander of Munich.

I hope this helps. Take care!
Last update on September 7, 4:08 pm by Cristin Slobozeanu.
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