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While I agree with ICXCNIKA that there IS a mishmash of diferent religious philosophies in there, to my mind the movies (all 3, taken as a whole, although the first was the best) do something very important - they lay out the battle between belief and unbelief- between faith and raging materialism, (as well as free will vs determinism) as represented by Neo/Morpheus vs Agent Smith/the Merovingian, and it is clear that unbelief and determinism are the dead-ends. This is beginning to become unusual in an ancreasingly nihilistic, materialist world where \'this life is all there is\' and death is just the ultimate tragedy and the Clavinistic \\"we are all doomed to do what we do\\"/\\"it is inevitable\\".
Neo\'s \\"I believe, because I choose to\\" really hits a nail on the lie (that I myself bought into for many years) that you can\'t \'just believe\' - you need proof, evidence...
Not that the Wachowski brothers are Orthodox or anything, but they DO agree on important pre-requisites for accepting the Truth.
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