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Robotom: Actually, I agree about the 3rd movie. I liked all three, but I thought 2 was the weakest. In the first they are making their movie to fit their cosmology by the 3rd they were remaking their cosmology to fit their movie, and they got it all mixed up, which is why the movie is so confusing,,,and so interested.
We should not look to these for teaching on faith and morals. The Wachowkis are what Evelyn Waugh or Walker Percy would call bad Catholics, or what My Lady CyranoRox would call Theomachists. Not unbelievers but people who are mad at God (and/or the Church) and have a bone to pick, like Ivan Karamozov, or Job, orJacob, called Israel, the God-wrestler, or Our Father Abraham (But what it there are 10 righteous?), like maybe a few of us...
The point is not that the Wachowkis don\'t have the right answers, they don\'t, the point is they are asking the right questions, which is a good way to start.
Yeh, and the actions scenes in third are really cool....
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