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Emmelia Hope

Blessings on this (very early) Eve of the Nativity of our Lord!

Sleep escapes me tonight, and so I have found my way here.  I really don't know how any of this works yet... I was trying to figure out the circle thing?  Is there a circle for seekers/inquirers?

Although I would not consider myself a "seeker" exactly, I am firmly convinced of the truth of the Orthodox Church and I long deeply for the fullness of faith found therein.  I am, however, a pastor's wife in the Lutheran church.  It is unclear how long the Lord will see fit to have us wander in the wilderness of Lutheranism before leading us to the Promised Land of Orthodoxy.  However, as I am not a member of the Orthodox Church and will likely have lots of questions, the seeker's place might be a good one for me to begin.

My name is not really Emmelia, but I am using that as my pen name for now to protect my identity, and that of my family, during this challenging time.  Saint Emmelia of Cesaerea is my chosen patron saint and I ask that she would pray for and guide me along my way as I hope to also attain the holy life of one following the path of Christ.  I am here so that I might find wisdom, encouragement and fellowship on my way.

Peace in Christ!

Topics: lutheran, seeker