Syra Ruehle
I am so glad I found the Forum section. It\'s my favorite way of being online! :) I am very glad to find an online place for Orthodox Christians. It is very comfortable. I am a stay at home mother of three. When I\'m not taking care of kids and my mother I am homeschooling or finishing a book of short stories about being an Orthodox mother. I guess I should refer you to my page for other details!
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Paul Barrera
Ditto on posting the link.
Welcome to OC forums!
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Syra Ruehle
\"Syra\'s Scribbles\" by Syra Divine is a series of letters in which I share the intimate joys, fears and adventures taking care of my children and my mother. It includes the years I was a mother of two small children. My life is unique, but the daily Orthodox family experience is universal. The ISBN is 1-4241-9018-5
Here are the links to my book at amazon and my publisher\'s online bookstore:
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