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Nick Calibey

Are we not also supposed to seek out that which makes contact with what we believe and take what is good and leave the rest, just as St. Basil said about pagan literature? Shouldn't we, in this line of thought, eschew anything that can cause emotional disturbance? I see more foul-talk, violence, and malice at a common sporting event than the music I listen to. Furthermore, If we are only allowed to listen to the sounds of the age to come, then classical music has to be eschewed since it is not in and of itself liturgical.  No Mozart, no Bach, no Beethoven, for in heaven the only sounds of worship are that of the voice (hence why we generally eschew organs).

I agree that there won't be heavy metal in heaven, but there won't be a slew of other things (sex comes to mind) that we don't consider inherently sinful either. Does listening to Metallica bring a sense of peace to my soul the way that liturgical music does? Of course not, but nether does most classical music that I've heard (most of the songs I've tended to like are fast and bombastic). At this point though, I think we're just not going to agree on this issue; I ask for your prayers and I will continue to pray over this as well. After all, if you're right, then I would gladly shun these things in total. 

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