Donna Witek
So, I am currently reading this book for the first time, and finding it extremely helpful as a sort of self-diagnosis of many pitfalls I have either experienced in the past or can easily see myself experiencing in the future.
I think it's really great that someone has prayerfully compiled a thorough list of observations about the challenges and nature of being Orthodox in America, whether you're a convert, revert or cradle. It's comforting to read your (my) personal struggles with integrating the faith into my life, and striving to make it the entirety of my life, reflected back to me in this concise book. I highly recommend it.
Has anyone else read this and have any thoughts about it?
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Dia Lamb
Hello Donna! I had never heard of this book. Thanks for the recommendation. I want to read so many things but try to wait till I am done with the thesis part :-(
(it's sucking my life in a way... but it is my obedience lately too!)
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Elizabeth G
I have the book! I think it is great so far, and the ocf group here is going to read it when the next semester begins. :)
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I have not read this one either-I will have to add it to my list of must reads.
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Elizabeth G
yes, it is very good and funny. :)
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Sounds like a great book. Thanks for mentioning it.
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I\'ve read it, too, and enjoyed it. I read Fr. Joseph\'s blog as often as I can and I was able to hear him lecture at our church once. He\'s very personable and it was nice to meet blogger and author. Have you heard his podcasts at Ancient Faith Radio?
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Elizabeth G
yes! they are very funny, and he is a wonderful speaker.
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I\'ve heard a lot about this book, I think I\'m going to check our church library for it this coming Sunday!
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Mat SIE Eklund
Both my husband and I read this book recently. Having been received as a convert and been in 3 different convert parishes, it\'s really helpful and probably would saved both of us alot of knocks in the school of life had we read it years ago!!
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John Chan
I haven\'t read the book, but after reading this thread, I was wondering why nobody posted the following links to Fr Joseph Honeycutt\'s blog and podcasts:
[url=]Orthodixie Blog[/url] [url=]Orthodixie Podcasts[/url]
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I loved the book and I am an avid follower of Father Josephs blog. I recommend it to every cradle Orthodox christian I meet. It tipped the scales for me in favour of Orthodoxy.
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