Jamie Jamie
Regrettably, the politico- drama of this case is less a question of science and moreso the idea of female idealogues trumping a male dominated dictum. Rome has trouble with females making any ground shaking policy change ad hoc.
The unemotive fact is that in hospitals across the country, decisions about the life of the mother are made without an ethics committee's involvement (remove the nun (God grant her mercy) from the equation and it is still an ethics committee making a hard decision in a Catholic Hospital). For a routine, yet horrible scenario on these decisions, assume the tubal pregnancy case. Herein is a situation where although there exists an animal model (transplantation of the baby rabbit from the salpinx (fallopian tube) into its mother's uterus-- studies in humans have yet to be performed). Therefore, a tubal pregnancy ends in death for both mom and baby; or removal of the baby, which even the Roman Church allows.
As we BECOME Orthodox in our phronema, we begin to UNDO the flawed logic patterns we NATURALLY grew into through our Ethics classes in our Graduate, Post Grad, and Medical School curriculae. We mustn't onsistently look to Aquinas (Natural Law expositor) and Aristotle for our interpretation of these hard questions. We are no longer Roman and Protestant in our praxis. We are allowed certain tactical (medical) decisions that still fit within the broad strategeum of Christian Orthodoxy.
Of much greater concern is not how Rome treats its vocationals, but how we as Orthodox handle our own ethics. What I am driving at is this: Many Orthodox children are unknowingly being aborted by Orthodox faithful. How? The use of hormonol \"Birth Control. \" Truly, the BCP (Birth Control Pill) has subtly infitrated our ranks, known formerly as the OCP (oral contraceptive pill). The import of the use of \"B\" over \"O\" in the BCP and OCP nomenclature has missed the average lady who presents to her family planning Doctor. Today, the BCP has far more progestin and less estradiol (which disinhibits implantation leading to passive abortion) than the OCP.
We should make a more concerted appeal among our own ranks to clean our own house before worrying about the dust on our neighbour's medicine cabinet.
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