James E Weaver
One experience I had with them nearly 40 years ago was when two mothers stayed on the sidewalk while their two children holding Watchtowers rapped on the door - I asked the children to call their mothers to the door. One woman yelled at me to talk to the children (\"it is their duty\") and I replied that what I had to say was for adult ears only. The other woman reluctantly came to the door where I showed her the Hebrew and Greed Testaments and asked her which one she wanted to debate over. She replied that she was no longer interested, told the children to come along, and they all left.
I had not seen them darken any of the porches where I have lived since until about six months ago when a young couple came to the door offering to give me a good word for the day. I asked them where they were from - the husband said from here in town, his wife said \"He means 'What church'\", and proceeded to say Kingdom Hall. I stated I am Orthodox and that I needed to have some sort of common understanding in order to have a conversation, and asked what Bible they were using. He said, \"Oh we use many different ones - which do you prefer?\" I told them I prefer the Septuagint, and then asked, \"Do you believe in the Trinity?\" He hem=hawed a bit and his wife piped in \"no, of course not.\" To which I replied that we had no common ground upon which to discuss things - thank you for dropping by.\" And they left.
About three months ago, an older couple approached me while I was out on the porch. They too said they had a good word to share, and would open the Bible to it. Because I was feeling a bit feisty, I asked them about the Trinity. In unison they replied that that was unbiblical heresy, and of course they did not believe in it. I said I was sorry because without the Trinity we could not discuss the Bible rationally. They thanked me for my time and left.
The Witnesses around whom I worked never entered into the birthday parties even when those parties were for either of them or for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Publicly they never accepted gifts given them. But they also did not 'evangelize' at the workplace.'
Pray for me, a sinner.
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