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Well, considering the contents of this article:
it seems that the CSM was identifying the OCA as we know it, rather than an offshoot Anglican group. Although, it sounds like both articles have some considerable \"spin\" in them. I was impressed that Met Jonah did lay it on the line and say that Calvinism was condemned as a heresy. It's interesting that the Anglicans seem to think that's a topic that needs \"more dialogue\". I'm not sure how one can \"dialogue\" one's way out of heresy.
But, before anyone jumps off and wants to condemn anyone of the heresy of \"Ecumenism\", or anything else, please bear in mind that both these media articles are HEAVILY biased, and seem to be written with the intent to say (whether implicitly or overtly) something that isn't true. Let's be kind enough to give our Orthodox brethren the benefit of the doubt, and spare us from any vindictive condemnations of \"Ecumenism\".
FWIW, my guess is that this Anglican group invited Met Jonah to talk with them, where he was open and loving with them (i.e. something along the lines of \"if you want to become Orthodox and be in communion with us, that's wonderful, we will welcome you.\") but, also firm in matters of theology (i.e. \"Calvinism is heresy, and no matter how much you talk about it, it will still be heresy\").
I suspect the media, in it's typical sensationalist way, is trying to imply that the OCA is on the verge of becoming Anglican...
...Sure, and the Moon's made of green cheese, and I have a wonderful real estate investment opportunity for you.
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