I was browsing the news when I saw this:
The last paragraph states, among other things, that the Orthodox Church in America is an offshoot of the Anglican Church. I wrote a letter to the editors explaining the errors, and was wondering if other people would like to contribute by writing to the editors as well.
Regardless of what opinions anyone might have of the OCA, I think that it's a good idea to dispel misconceptions like this about Orthodoxy, especially when it's coming from an international news source like the CSM. Just thought I'd put it out there.
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What's amazing is that the Anglican Church is a Western Church. After enough time we will laugh about this.
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I had to laugh the moment I read this forum post. I'm really surprised that the Christian Science Monitor made such a serious mistake. Also .... In that same paragraph .... What did the editor mean by \"differences over female ordination\" ? Does the new Anglican Church of North America support female clergy? That would be a shame that they would prohibit homosexual clergy yet condone female ordinations .... Once again, the latest \"Protestant reformation\" is tossing the baby out with the bath water!
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Kimberly Angel
Thanks for the heads up. Maybe enough of us will send that writer email and it will be corrected.
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I shot off a letter to CSM about this article. Besides that reference there were names mis-spelled and so forth. Pretty shoddy work especially seeing as the CSM is generally a reputable news source. I also spoke to my parents who were Episcopalian til recently and they Said there is a group of Anglicans who are refering to themselves as being the Orthodox Church in America although they, my parents, didn't think they were a large enough group to be on the media's radar. If this is true I'm going to try to track down it's so called leadership and kindly inform them that perhaps they should modify their name so we Orthodox don't get connected or confused with the kookiness that is going on at the moment in the Anglican communion.
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Well, considering the contents of this article:
it seems that the CSM was identifying the OCA as we know it, rather than an offshoot Anglican group. Although, it sounds like both articles have some considerable \"spin\" in them. I was impressed that Met Jonah did lay it on the line and say that Calvinism was condemned as a heresy. It's interesting that the Anglicans seem to think that's a topic that needs \"more dialogue\". I'm not sure how one can \"dialogue\" one's way out of heresy.
But, before anyone jumps off and wants to condemn anyone of the heresy of \"Ecumenism\", or anything else, please bear in mind that both these media articles are HEAVILY biased, and seem to be written with the intent to say (whether implicitly or overtly) something that isn't true. Let's be kind enough to give our Orthodox brethren the benefit of the doubt, and spare us from any vindictive condemnations of \"Ecumenism\".
FWIW, my guess is that this Anglican group invited Met Jonah to talk with them, where he was open and loving with them (i.e. something along the lines of \"if you want to become Orthodox and be in communion with us, that's wonderful, we will welcome you.\") but, also firm in matters of theology (i.e. \"Calvinism is heresy, and no matter how much you talk about it, it will still be heresy\").
I suspect the media, in it's typical sensationalist way, is trying to imply that the OCA is on the verge of becoming Anglican...
...Sure, and the Moon's made of green cheese, and I have a wonderful real estate investment opportunity for you.
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I read the article you posted and while it is interesting I didn't come away with the feeling that the OCA is becoming Anglican. If anything I get the feeling we won't be seeing the Anglicans, by which I mean the conservatives that have split from the Episcopal church, coming into Orthodoxy any time soon. It was nice to see Met. Jonah condemn Calvinism though. As it should be.
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Regarding female priests in the ACNA, they have taken the time-honored Anglican position of fence sitting. I believe they may have temporarily prohibited while it is \"studied,\" however it is not canonically prohibited. As I've written elsewhere, they are only hitting the \"reset\"
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Agreed. However I read that Met. Jonah is in discussions with Robert Duncan, a conservative bishop who recently split from the episcopal church, about some type of union or another.
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Wow, and I thought Evangelicals had a shaky grasp on Church history!! I would have expected the Christian Science Monitor's research department to do a better job before this went to print. They used to be one of the better papers. Now it has been in a state of deterioration over the past few years. Could it be that matter doesn't really matter?
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