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Natanael  Perez
First off. Everyone has baggage and everyone is a convert. Be patient of those who migrated from Protestantism to Orthodoxy.
Second, I thinks pretty awesome that someone in their life really believes a phoenix lives in Egypt. Or that St. George really fought a fire breathing dragon. (In my sociology it was brought up that all cultures has two similar stories, a massive flood and the common theme of a dragon to be slain)
Third, scientist have proven that at one point snakes did have legs. Those snake experts have stated the reason the serpents went without legs was to move easier on the ground. In any case, science has proven that the scriptures has told that the serpent had legs. Which gives women a biblical reason to hate snakes. I love snakes but I guess I'm siding with the enemy. :)
I will say though that evolution is bad science. There was the one scandle in which a scientist found the missing link from ape to humans. He made fake skeletal remains to push the evolution theory. That's just a bad scientist. Also if you go the science route of decay and formation, the Egyptian pyramids are around 4 or 5 thousand years old. They are falling apart. How can a 65 million year old dinosaur bones be preserved in the ground without the same rate of decay? Mind you the remains of dinosaur bones are rock as well.
I just like the icon of Adam blessing the naming of the animals and there is a dragon and unicorn in there!
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