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I often call myself \"agnostic\" on a load of \"faith and\" issues (reincarnation, divination, mythical creatures, etc.), not because I don't believe or don't have an opinion, but simply because it makes very little difference to my faith in the long run. Did St. George fight a literal, flesh and blood, fire breathing dragon? I don't know. More likely he fought demonic being, possibly in the form of what we might call a dragon. But I'm sure that what was going on spiritually and the message the story conveys is of far greater significance than whether or not he was in combat with an actual animal.
I find the same applies to science often times as well. Flat Earth, sphere Earth: Christianity will be no less valid or valuable either way. Evolution, creation: one way or the other (though I do believe evolution to be the better in terms of science), it doesn't change my faith. If our faith is as powerful, true, and immortal as we believe it to be, raw facts and good science shouldn't worry us in the least.
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