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ScienceChristian wrote:
Alright, I hate to be a wet blanket, but I simply must chip in.
Why is anyone even talking about geocentrism anymore? Science has already demonstrated that the Earth is certainly not the center of the universe. If we can't trust science on these most basic issues, than how can trust it on anything? And if we refuse to give science a place in society, we not only return ourselves to the dark ages, but we force a wedge between faith and science creating a conflict where non ought to exist.
Anyway, I'm sure I just threw a fire cracker into a bee's nest.
No fire cracker or bee's nest at all. I think that talking about it, doesn't (or shouldn't) bring about any bees or firecrackers; but rather a discussion about what the father's say is the proper place of science in the world. They did not deny science, but they rather gave it, it's proper place.
I am in no means a scientific or theological scholar....but I can offer up books that I've read on the subject about what the fathers say is the proper place and the relationship between the two. To try and even prove any point myself is useless. But reading these things has opened my eyes in a different way to the true relationship, in ways no one (scientist, teacher, lay person) ever or was ever able to explain to me in such a way. People like Elder Cleopa and other spiritual fathers were able to talk about these things because they really, really understood them. You should read these books too, that might really interest you!
I think discussions like this don't and shouldn't be a time for bees and firecrackers (I like that quote!) but rather an opprotunity to try and find out something that perhaps you haven't had a chance yet to read about from the fathers.
God Bless!
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