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\"If the Fathers agreed that geocentrism is Divinely revealed why are we not putting our Faith in God?\"
Is geocentrism divinely revealed? I'm not familiar with any Biblical passages that say it is (but correct me if I'm wrong here).
Frankly, I can't figure out why or how it makes any difference in the slightest to us, our faith, or theology, or any of our beliefs where in the universe the Earth is in relation to all the other stuff out there. We once believed the Earth was a flat square with Jerusalem at the middle. When science proved that opinion incorrect, Christianity survived. We once believed the stars and planets were specks of glowing dust painted on the inside skin of the universe. When science banished that to the realm of false theories, Christianity still survived. Even when Darwin came along with his theory of evolution, many Christians found a place for his finding that was harmonious with their faith, and Christianity still survived! Why do mainstream or non-Christian scientists and science have to be wrong for us to be right? If our faith is that fragile, why even bother to believe?
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