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Russell, I agree, why worry too much about it? But Nikola if its a sin in your heart, what do you think should be done about it?
Orthohippy, I thought the lyrics went, \"Spamity spam spam spamity spam spam spam tastes so good it is so yummy, just like honey.\" Or something like that???
Poetisa, I find it WAY more disconcerting that the name Jesus or Christ is a cuss or a curse to many and they don't even realize it.
Valahia, I never contended that luthier is a recent word, I was merely relating what my brother learned about the history of his occupation. It is a fact that the first (or at least earliest) stringed instrument was a lute and the MODERN translation of that word to describe the original makers is luthier. But if memory serves the lute predates the English language (working off the top of my head anyone know for sure?) so perhaps you are correct. But I think you missed my point, I was illustrating how language evolves, such as in this case about evangelism.
While we are on the subject of misuse of words (if that's what we can call this thread) has anyone else noticed how words we orthodox use are being used differently in other churches and these erroneous meanings slowly creeping into the mainstream.
The Roman Catholics ignore that the word Baptize, comes from the Greek word Baptizmo which means to immerse. Seems odd to us to Baptize someone in that light by sprinkling, and thus to some in society think baptize means to sprinkle.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (mormons) say that their founder brought us the \"restored gospel.\" Ok that sounds ludicrous because Gospel comes from the Greek word Euengallion (sp?) which means, \"good news\" and to the orthodox or traditional mindset has always referred to the good news of Christ (his death burial and ressurection DBR). So how the freak do you restore the truth of Christ when the facts never changed about his DBR in the first place? I believe they are talking about restoring the bible, changing its meaning in a misleading way.
The Jehovah's witnesses like to say you should not call anyone \"father\" because of the bible verse that says not to (which specific verse slips my mind for now) call anyone Father for we have only one Father in heaven. Ignoring that in the Greek there are different words for father, as in God, daddy, priest (presbyter) which all just happened to translate into English, \"F/father.\"
I went off again and dialogued. Sorry. I shut up now and go back to my corner.
(goes off the corner humming Spam spam spam)
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