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I'm getting a feeling that is just a case of the language evolving. Taking words or concepts we are familiar with and expanding their meaning or using a play on words.
Example, my brother is a luthier.
What does that mean? Does that mean he expounds what Luther taught? Nope, absolutely not.
What is the root word? Lute. As in the instrument.
So does he play a lute? Nope, but getting closer.
He actually builds violins from scratch. The same title applies to people who build and work on various other instruments. Originally the type of instrument the people in this profession worked on was the lute, and as more instruments were made rather than calling them a violiner or something else they went with what was familiar.
Evangelist is a common word in this case. Many words today have meanings that were not originally intended at all. Its just the way language evolved.
Examples of this ... look up Hussy. How about Gay.
I'm not saying its a good thing or right, just the way it is.
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