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Thread: Prayer advice
luvlinguae wrote:
If I may piggyback a little on your question and ask what can be recommended as a daily Orthodox devotional, if there is one. I've asked my priest and he can't think of any. I do have a nice little book with prayers, but what I had in mind was one that followed the Church liturical year. For instance, specific OT and NT readings, chants, writings of the Fathers for each day of the years, depending on the time of the Church year.
My husband and I have a church calendar, which has the OT and NT readings for each day, as well as which saint is commemorated that day. Then we read the Scripture reading, and then read the saint of the day from the Orthodox Prolouge which you should be able to get from your church. If you can't you can get it let me know and I'll try and find it for you.
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