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Well, the order of the letters in Christ\'s halo DO normally differ between Byzantine and Slavic iconography. The image that came up when I clicked on your link was too small for me to tell (maybe I\'m doing something wrong! Maybe I\'m getting too old!). If it\'s that kind of difference in the order of the letters, then it isn\'t a big deal, in and of itself.
Personally, the particular images that you have seem to be fine as icons. The people that make them, however, seem to be in need of psychiatric medication.
Not that my opinion means anything, but I would look at them as spiritually fine, acknowledging that God\'s grace can flow through sinful and fallen people, and even sometimes REALLY fallen people.
It\'s like why we kiss a priest\'s hand. It has nothing to do with him as a priest. It has nothing to do with our estimation of his holiness. He could be a complete jerk, and even outright immoral, but so long as he hasn\'t yet been deposed, he is still a priest and we kiss his hand. We kiss his hand, because during the liturgy, his hands touch, and elevate, the Body of Christ. That\'s entirely it. The validity of the Mystery is not dependant on the sanctity of the celebrant.
Therefore, I don\'t think the validity of an icon is dependant on the sanctity, sanity, or spiritual stability of the one who paints it. As long as it doesn\'t depict something errant!
Yeah, check with your spiritual father about whether these icons/images have anything questionable in them. I\'m not an iconography expert. If they don\'t, and he\'s blessed them as icons, then I\'d be comfortable with using them.
I just don\'t think I\'d be able to recommend them as a source of icons in the future though. They do sound like an exceptionally weird group.
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